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Life Without You


Kate Branigan

(a schedule of my day)


6:34 AM

Wake up,

hop in the shower.

(Think of you in the shower,

think of us in the shower,

soapy beard in the shower.)

7:13 AM

Get dressed,

make breakfast.

(Think of you cooking breakfast,

think of us eating breakfast,

[self-proclaimed] world famous cheesy hash browns at breakfast.)

7:48 AM  

Grab my things,

go to class.

(Think of you doing homework,

think of us doing homework,

your furrowed brow doing homework.)

7:42 PM

Come home,

dinner and TV.

(Think of you watching TV,

think of us watching TV,

“I need popcorn, don’t go onto the next episode without me!!” pause the TV.)

11:31 PM

Brush my teeth,

get to bed.

(Think of you in bed,

think of us in bed,

the roll over and pull closer in bed.)

2:49 AM

Fall asleep,

dreams begin.

(You in my dreams,

us in my dreams,

the past has become dreams.)


6:34 AM

Wake up,

hop in the shower.

(Think of you in the shower,

think of us in the shower,

soapy beard in the shower.)

Endure it all again.  

Life without you?


Quiz question:

What world famous breakfast dish gets made at the beginning of the poem?





Scrambled eggs

Scrambled eggs



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Issue 17


September 22, 2017

Kate Branigan is an aspiring English teacher and dog mom. She is a lover of french fries, large bodies of water, and tequila. 

i dont feel like fininishing this website right now and i am sorry

You've inferred a lot

about that guy's position

just based on his flair.

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Issue 17

This writing was originally published in Opium Magazine, and is not listed in the archives.
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