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Please Don't Misgender Me


M.C. MoHagani Magnetek

Misgender can't miss Her.
Round locked coils of identity.
Can lipstick be misconstrued
Forgotten in the binary.
Of no respect and rude?
Atop stationary.
Letters peace together in pronouns.
Crushing Her like a collapsing church.
Her day marred from the placate.
And oh how much She hurts.
Tell Her professor, can you relate?
She’s only a pronoun.
The building block of poetry.
It means everything to Her.
Up early sipping tea to calm Her nerves.
She know this is what She don't deserve.
She just trying to be a good citizen
Get an education and play Her position.
Magnetek is easy, She is all the same
You're doing good if you say Her name.
She hopes you understand Her respectfully.
The pronouns She prefers are Her and SHE.

Quiz question:

The "She" in the poem is used to refer to...?

The poet

The poet

The pronoun

The pronoun

The speaker of the poem

The speaker of the poem

Most likely, all of the above

Most likely, all of the above

correct answers enable commenting.

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Issue 1


September 22, 2017

Please Don't Misgender Me was written by M.C. MoHagani Magnetek. MoHagani is a transgender African American anthropologist, writer, poet, and artist who has written ten short stories, an anthologized story, a novella, a poetry collection, and is best known for her Ms. Mahogany Bones and thaMind Sol-Lady tales

i dont feel like fininishing this website right now and i am sorry

Do you find yourself

feeling as though you don't fit

in still to this day?

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Issue 1

This writing was originally published in Opium Magazine, and is not listed in the archives.
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