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Different, Familiar


Emma Lindhagen


verything was different. The hardwood was polished, the rugs replaced. The wallpaper was modern and geometric with a metallic sheen, the old one forgotten. The little hallway seemed vast now that it wasn’t crowded with bookcases filled to the brim. The furniture was all gone, the knickknacks too. Those that took their place were fewer, smaller. Or larger, more eye-catching, like the artwork. The bathroom was blue, the computer room just storage.

Yes, everything was different. But this was still the floor where she’d cried herself to sleep in a sleeping bag, because all her friends wanted to grow up and she didn’t.

Quiz question:

What did you sleep in on the floor?

A couch cushion

A couch cushion

A sleeping bag

A sleeping bag

An old, tattered blanket

An old, tattered blanket

A bed of jackets

A bed of jackets

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Issue 6


September 22, 2017

Different, Familiar was written by Emma Lindhagen, who is a self-published speculative fiction writer living in Stockholm, Sweden. Her debut novella, Going Home, was published in December 2014. Check out her Flash Fiction Friday writing over here.

i dont feel like fininishing this website right now and i am sorry

Can't have a full beard

or you'll seem too unruly

and independent.

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Issue 6

This writing was originally published in Opium Magazine, and is not listed in the archives.
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