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An apartment with no roof over the bedroom?


Patrick Bower

Que idiota! Didn’t you notice before you moved?

Inez clucked—she’d never seen the like, not even here

in Mexico City, where whole neighborhoods are patched

together with silly putty and cardboard cutouts of TV stars.

So you’ll learn to garden indoors, she decided. Well,

at least the electricity works, and the bugs aren’t bad,

and on clear nights, the impossible sky is stretched out

for my own private enjoyment, right above my bed,

a postage stamp of cosmic pin-pricks that has become

so familiar it makes my body feel like a proxy

deposited nightly between cinderblock walls

while visions of eternity unravel above.

We’ll spend hours in bed watching bellies of jets

glide by, always a little ahead of their engine’s roar.

Inez helps me count the seconds in between, and

when it rains, I move the bed and try not to

walk between the kitchen and the living room

or even go to the bathroom, but I’ve taken to

wearing flip flops and splashing through anyway.

Quiz question:

In Mexico City, whole neighborhoods are patched with:

oobleck and staples

oobleck and staples

silly putty and cardboard cutouts of TV stars

silly putty and cardboard cutouts of TV stars

crazy glue and photographs

crazy glue and photographs

silly string and clothespins

silly string and clothespins

correct answers enable commenting.

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Issue 10


September 22, 2017

An apartment with no roof over the bedroom? was written by Patrick Bower, who is a writer from New York City. After spending the better part of two decades writing and performing songs, he's settled happily into a more sedentary creative routine. By day, he writes copy to help businesses sell things. He has poems forthcoming in 805 Lit and Sheila-Na-Gig.

i dont feel like fininishing this website right now and i am sorry

If *I* remember

correctly, these things tasted

like liquid skittles.

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Issue 10

This writing was originally published in Opium Magazine, and is not listed in the archives.
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